Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety
Homeopathy is one of the best natural helpers in dealing with anxiety and depression because it works on the emotional and mental levels to bring balance quickly. When your mental and emotional state of being is out of balance, it shows in your body as anxiety symptoms. Having untreated anxiety can lead to full blown anxiety attacks. They can be easily be prevented using natural remedies and therapies. Choosing the Best Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety will ease your feelings of anxiety safely and effectively.
Most people that are suffering with anxiety feel they don't have control or the answers to a situation or problem that seems larger to life. So they go into fight, flight or fright mode. Your body will do this automatically if you don't balance the reason for your feelings of panic or anxiety. There are quite a few causes of anxiety and they are usually related to acute (sudden) or chronic stress (long-term.) Choosing the best homeopathic remedies for anxiety will help you feel relaxed and calm naturally without side effects or addiction, unlike chemical medicines.
What Causes Anxiety?
So What Causes Anxiety? Anxiety comes in different shades and levels. Stress and Anxiety are directly related. Stress is necessary for your growth, mental, emotional and physical. The challenge is when you have uncontrolled stress, or stress that you don't know how to deal with. That kind of stress is usually called chronic stress and is at the root of almost all diseases and conditions particularly anxiety and hearth conditions. There are triggers that cause cause the common anxiety symptoms like rapid pulse rate, rapid and shallow breathing, sweaty palms and feeling of impending doom.
Stress is a major trigger for all types of anxiety so finding the best way for your individual situation to effectively deal with the stress triggers will help you move past the cycle of anxiety that keeps you on the wheel, constantly spinning with no exit route. The cause of anxiety symptoms is tied to the type of situation you are currently experiencing or type of anxiety disorder you are facing. Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety can help you get some peace of mind so you can cope with it when it appears.
Types of Anxiety Disorders
There are 5 main types of anxiety disorders that you should be aware of, as they cover most of the anxiety symptoms that lead to severe panic attacks. If you have anxiety of any type, then it is usually in one of these 5 major types of anxiety disorders:
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Social Anxiety Disorder
- Panic Disorder
The main types of anxiety are briefly discussed below, with any individual therapies that help anxiety disorders.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
General Anxiety Disorder or GAD is the most common form of anxiety. It is very common and is also one of the most common forms of disability on the job. Symptoms of GAD include excess worrying, not being able to meet deadlines, interpersonal relationship problems, job worries, home worries, school worries, and not living up to the expectations of others.
There is a great holistic anxiety relief guide called Overthrowing Anxiety (pictured above) that shows you how to overcome your feelings of anxiety and replace your instincts of panic with calm focus. It shows you how to re-wire your own panic reactions to healthy responses that you can learn to trigger instead of being a nervous wreck. It works well with the homeopathic remedies for anxiety too.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD is worrying about things that most likely are of no real threat to your health or happiness. OCD Symptoms like worrying about catching a terminal disease (germophobe), or people out to sabotage you, thoughts of harming yourself or others, thoughts of being harmed by yourself or others, constant sexual daydreaming, and doing small things over and over and over (constantly tying your shoes, washing your hands, checking the clock, etc.) Homeopathic remedies for anxiety works well for OCD as it's a mental level type behavior. See more here: Treatment for OCD.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD is a type of anxiety disorder that people that have been through a deep physical trauma commonly face. Our military veterans, firefighters, paramedics, people in the medical profession, and even people that are bullied face this type of anxiety issue. This type of anxiety can paralyze the person with fear and cause them to have a mental breakdown. There are some good natural homeopathic remedies for anxiety relief caused by PTSD that can help stop the thoughts and memories that lead to these types of anxiety attacks.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobias is when you are afraid to interact with other people in your life. You would much rather avoid talking to anyone. People with Autism usually display this type of anxiety as well. When you have a social phobia you feel like you can't relate with others, even those on your same “status” level. You may feel inferior to them, and that no one cares one hoot about you or how you feel. You feel like a round peg living in a square hole society.
You self-sabotage anyone that wants to get close to you, so they “won't reject you later.” It is a mindset that may be have programmed throughout the life of the person experiencing it, and can be helped by the natural anxiety therapies below. Exercising, being in nature, practicing yoga or meditation and grounding can get your self-esteem and self-worth back to where it should be, as a valuable part of society. Using homeopathic remedies for anxiety can help social anxiety disorder or public panic.
Panic Disorder
Panic Disorder is the type of anxiety where you feel fearful about anything, even when there is no sign of any physical threat within a mile of you. It can cause paralysis and all kinds of nervousness, even wetting your pants for the fear of something terrible is about to happen to you any minute now. It is totally unfounded, but real to you.
Most phobias are of this type can can be helped by grounding yourself, and using a therapy like EFT as discussed above. It can also be helped by using the tips for natural ways to reduce anxiety section below and the homeopathic remedy for anxiety. Once you identify the type of anxiety disorder you are facing, then you can learn how to not only cope with it when it shows up, but also how to stop it from robbing your peace of mind and sanity. Use the homeopathic remedies for anxiety shown at the bottom of this page and get relief and even prevent panic attacks before they happen again.
Symptoms of Anxiety
Here are the most common signs and symptoms of anxiety or when panic attacks are about to occur:
- Elevated Pulse Rate (You Can Feel Your Heart Pounding)
- Sweating in Your Palms
- Dizziness or Nausea
- Shortness of Breath
- Headache or Hot Head
- Frequent Urge to Use the Restroom
- Muscle Twitching or Nervousness
- Tremors or Shaking of the Body or Hands
- Insomnia
If you are feeling any of the above signs of anxiety or a combination of them, you may be experiencing anxiety that could lead to a full blown panic attack. You can be prepared and avoid freaking out in public or wherever you may be by using a few Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety, like the homeopathic remedies for anxiety and full spectrum magnesium.
Magnesium for Anxiety
Best Magnesium for Anxiety. Most people have too much calcium in their bodies because almost all foods are calcium fortified (and the wrong type of calcium that can't be absorbed!) Sea shell based calcium's (calcium Orotate is the best) can't be absorbed by your body and end up in your joints as joint deposits and create bone spurs. They also end up in your arteries as atherosclerosis and in your brain as dementia.
Calcium competes with magnesium and causes stiffness in joints, muscle hardness and anxiety feelings! Natural magnesium brings calm to mind and body and properly balances every cell in your body. Most people are actually magnesium deficient and it leads to all types of health conditions like anxiety, panic, depression, arthritis, heart disease, insomnia, constipation, muscle cramps and weak bones and teeth.
Using a natural full spectrum magnesium like Magnesium Breakthrough (which has all 7 types of elemental magnesium) and is proven to give you a natural healing effects you can feel, body and mind. It is #1 natural mineral for anxiety relief. It just calms so you look and feel relaxed and in control. It can be used with any of the homeopathic remedies for anxiety relief, panic or even depression because they work on different pathway in your body.
Natural Ways to Reduce Anxiety
Choosing natural ways to reduce anxiety will put you back into a calm sense of control of whatever situation you may be facing. These are working for most people, regardless of the individual type of anxiety disorder you may be going through. Here are some great natural ways to help anxiety that you can do right now and start feeling like you know you should be feeling. They can be used separately or with the natural homeopathic remedies for anxiety relief shown at the bottom of this page:
- Stress Support (pictured above) is a non-addictive natural stress relieving herbal remedy that calms your mind and soothes your nerves and emotions
- Grounding (This is being out in nature, either being barefoot on grass, or in a body of water, touch a tree, water plants or do a little gardening). It is called Earthing and it literally grounds you. The earth is a natural antioxidant when you make direct contact for 10-15 minutes. For more information on this naturally relaxation technique visit: What is Earthing
- Detoxing (Doing a regular detox can get a lot of the chemicals, pesticides and neurotoxins out of your body, so you can stop some of the physical causes of anxiety attacks. Try a Zeolite Detox to cleanse your body from the inside out. Then use a Epsom salt foot soak and you will feel so much better with a clearer mind as well)
- Exercise (Even 10-20 minutes of walking, preferably in nature or a pleasant surrounding can help you release some stress naturally, and get rid of another cause of anxiety naturally.)
- Supplementation (Drinking a Chamomile Tea, Breathing the Scent of Lavender Oil and taking some Homeopathic and Natural Remedies for Anxiety will help your body have the nutrients it needs to cope with the triggers and stressors that can cause anxiety of any type. They use different pathways in the body, Herbs work on the physical body, and Homeopathy works on the emotional and psychological levels, so they work in unison for a complete healing effect.)
You can use any of the above natural anxiety supplements separately or with the homeopathic remedies for anxiety as they work on different pathways in your body to create a sense and feeling of ease and peaceful calm. Homeopathy for anxiety is one of the best ways to stop the cause of your anxiety, panic or even depression naturally and side effect free.
Homeopathic Remedy for Anxiety
What is the Best Homeopathic Remedy for Anxiety? Anxease (pictured above) can help soothe your emotional system which is usually the source of the feeling of anxiety or panic. It is a natural Homeopathic Treatment for Anxiety that really works! Addressing the source will stop you from always “chasing the cure” for whatever it is that you are experiencing symptoms of. Homeopathy works on the emotional and mental levels best and creates balance between your mind and body. It is what homeopathic remedies do better than anything else.
I really recommend you try the C98 homeopathic remedies for anxiety formula (or ideally the homeopathic anxiety kit below), because they really work for anxiety better than anything else I've ever tried, hands down! It helps you feel your best and is side effect free. When you're balanced in mind, body and spirit you are naturally healthy and feel like you know you should feel, healthy and happy. To end your anxiety now see: Homeopathic for Anxiety Relief